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The True WildernessThe True Wilderness


Have you ever wondered about the wilderness, other than reading about how Moses took God’s people through it?

Recently, I was given a revelatory dream that brought me to the point of this book; Do we really understand the wilderness?

Until the Lord gave me this dream, I really did not comprehend the vast importance regarding the role that the wilderness “will play out” in each believer’s life. What many have deemed to be a dark place of isolation, is actually a place where we find God. It is in this place where we slowly begin to understand the depths of His love as He walks us through, and out of our past!

With this perspective in view, I am more in awe of God than when I first began to hear His voice over twenty years ago. As life my life continues to change because of my relationship with God, I’m finding greater depths of his love that continues to take me deeper into His wisdom, which is a place, and what I hunger & thirst for each and every day.

The wilderness is a place where we learn in a profound way that it is God who provides our daily manna, which is also when we begin to understand the magnitude of all that He does for us, and prepares us for.

Being that I am in my early 50’s, there’s been many things that have taken place in my life. However, God, the “I Am” who created all things, captured my life in a short dream that helped me understand the magnitude of God’s grace in my life. In fact, it was because of the years that were captured in this dream, and how it paralleled other people throughout the Bible, that caused me to realize how “life changing” the wilderness really is, and, it was something I needed to share with others.

The dream also helped me understand how the wilderness prepares us for “our Promised Land,” which is also where we find our true identity. Truly, it is a place where we become the sons of God.

As the reflection of the world is continually removed throughout this process, we begin to see more of Gods’ reflection become a greater part of our very nature. See (2nd Cor. 3:18)

The dream; was so powerful that it truly was all encompassing, which was something the Lord knew I needed at this juncture in time because of the long waiting period that I had been walking through.

Who wouldn’t want to see Gods’ perspective regarding your past, your wilderness journey, the present place where God has you, and, your future?

This is why I want to share the insight that I’ve been given. I know it will also give you’ heavens perspective on life, and the order of things that are yet to come for many. Everyone who is called by God will have to go through the true wilderness, in order to leave the worlds system so they can learn to listen too’ & walk with God, in order to take back their inheritance!

My friends, no matter what is taking place, whether in your life, or around the world, Gods’ ways are higher than what we see, or understand. So be encouraged, when you have learned to follow the Lord in the wilderness, you will also find streams in the desert that will cause you to bloom into the most amazing people, as God leads and protects you. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Bright and Morning Star!