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The Book

Where God’s People Are Going, Life Giving Messages

For many years the church has prayed for revival to come, never knowing or understanding how God might answer that prayer. Today, we are witnessing the greatest shaking that we have ever known, and on a world wide scale. As financial institutions become bankrupt, and many lose jobs, land, and homes, the awakening that we once prayed for, has come!

Everything that can be shaken is, and this scenario will continue to cause the weakest links within the soul of man to rise up. God has equipped, and is using His army, like Lyle to help others to overcome.

God is and always will be our greatest hope. So what will become of the world, and all that is taking place, and how will we survive? Where God’s People are Going, is like an oracle filled with messages from the Lord. God tells us in His word; My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27

Lyle makes it crystal clear, until we come to know the Lord’s voice, our relationship, and our knowledge of Him, is vague at best. The “life giving messages” in this book are just that, messages that bring life to dark situations, and answers to life’s questions about today, and what is yet to come. His questions to the Lord often reflect the times in which we live in, and where we are going. God answers not only through hearing His voice, but also through dreams, visions, and, through prophetic messages from others, to scriptures that point the way during days when most are asking why? God’s chosen are releasing revelation to help.

Where God’s People Are Going, Life Giving Messages